Initially announced as 'Project Dolphin', the GameCube would represent Nintendo's transition to the world of digital media. The GameCube Anthology is a unique and original book celebrating the machine's memory, and was written by the same author who brought you the Nintendo 64 Anthology.

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Initially announced as 'Project Dolphin', the GameCube would represent Nintendo's transition to the world of digital media. The GameCube Anthology is a unique and original book celebrating the machine's memory, and was written by the same author who brought you the Nintendo 64 Anthology.

The year was 1999. As the new century and millennium dawned, so did a new era of gaming. The graphic quality of console productions was nearing that of the pre-rendered 3D that had astonished us a few years earlier on the PlayStation especially. In the space of a few years, our hopes became reality. Brought to life by the new, so-called '128-bit generation' of consoles. Nintendo would have to play the pioneers if they hoped to compete. Up against their old enemy (Sega), a new and successful console (PlayStation), and the powerful newcomer from the PC industry (Microsoft), the Kyoto-based company geared up for a new console war. From the Cube's origins to the end of its life cycle, the GameCube Anthologycovers it all in this new and richly illustrated account.

  • The Cube's Origins
  • Space World
  • The Launch
  • Back to Basics
  • Winning Back Gamers
  • The Traces It Left...

The international GameCube library is made up of 647 games; 80 of which were exclusive to Japan, 98 to the USA and 17 to Europe. The good, the bad and everything in between, all contributed in some way or another to the console's success. Their quality, reputations and impact have been assessed individually. This book presents all 647 published games with detailed information including their release date, developer, publisher, genre, and a rating out of five.

A far cry from the chunky design of the Xbox and the PlayStation 2's radiator-like features, Nintendo's little cube was a genuine technological beast, more than capable of rivaling its competitors. There was a lot going on under the hood. In this part, we'll explore the details and specs of the machine, the different models, its extraordinary controllers and the range of official accessories. 

  • Models and Packs
  • Triforce
  • Optical Disc
  • Packaging
  • Controllers
  • Accessories

The notoriety of GameCube games was such that numerous by-products were produced, some of which are quite rare today. In this section, the author worked tirelessly to showcase all the collectible games as well as the most surprising, memorable and sought-after merchandise; a collector's holy grail. 

Dedicated to those aspiring full-setters, the Collector's Special covers all 1272 versions of the GameCube releases (551 in the USA, 447 in Europe and 274 in Japan). Boxes to tick allow you to keep track of the games you own and those you're missing, making it the perfect tool for cataloging your collection.


  • Exclusive Cover
  • Trim size: 8.50x10.5 inches (216x267mm)
  • Inside: 360 pages, 4-colors printed on 135 gsm gloss coated paper
  • Exclusive Slipcase: Full paper glued on 2mm board, printed with 4-colors on 135 gsm glossy coated paper, mat lamination, silver stamping, shrink wrapped
  • Box Art Collector's Book (200+ pages)
  • Cover: 4 pages, 4-color, Pantone, mat lamination, sport gloss UV varnish
  • Weight: 3140 gr (6.9 Lb)